For convenience here's a list of the videos I shot at BarCampLondon3 back in November 2007 - well, better late than never!
And yes, there were circling laptops... (No prizes for guessing which one's mine. Review of it to follow, but I really wouldn't recommend buying one because of the unusually bad customer service, in case anyone can read the brand name - which I refuse to give free publicity to further here!)
The list of videos, in no particular order:
- The future of BarCamp? - discussion led by Ryan Alexander, Ian Forrester and others
- Technology & our rights, aka "You did WHAT with my bits??" - by Glyn Wintle of Open Rights Group
- Open social networks & Noserub - by Dirk Olbertz of Noserub
- Use Yahoo! Pipes to build your lifestream - by Cristiano Betta
- Self-publishing via Lyx & Lulu - by Victoria Lamburn
- Data portability - by Ian Forrester (a co-founder of DataPortability)
- From Web 2.0 to Mobile 2.0 - the transition - discussion
- DIY user research - by Leisa Reichelt
- Website psychology - by Gavin Bell who works for Nature
- Learning jQuery in 30 minutes - by Simon Willison
- Monetizing the long tail - voluntary economies - by Reinier Zwitserloot of Tipit.to
- Mobile data - what's "fair use"? - by Sam Machin, who works for a mobile network operator but spoke in a personal capacity.
Great collection, thanks!
Julius, thanks for the feedback!
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