Changing your domain name can really hit your search engine rankings and therefore traffic to your website. I know: I've been there, and certainly had that done to my blog.
Here's a strong suggestion - as long as you plan to keep blogging or updating your website regularly afterwards, if you can afford to buy and keep paying for your own domain name (and it now generally costs only £10 a year or less), then you really should switch to your intended long permanent domain name as soon as you can. Preferably, if you're creating a new blog or website, even before you start building it up in earnest.
Regular readers may have noticed that I bit the bullet and switched from Blogger's free domain to my own domain name,, on 15 and 16 April 2007, via a 2-step process (I know Amit noticed!). Well it was certainly an experience, and here are some of the things I learned from it.
Why use your own domain name?
Having your own domain name is generally considered a good thing. It comes across as more professional and is normally more memorable than, or, it's also a lot more permanent - if you switch ISPs or free webspace providers, you can still keep your own domain name, you just need to move your files to a different host and "point" the domain name behind the scenes to the different location so that anyone trying to go to your URL won't notice the difference.
These days it's relatively inexpensive to have your own domain name too. For popular domain name sellers see e.g. Blogger's list, you can buy online. I use GoDaddy myself not just because it's cheap but because they offer a private domain registration service - I can be unlisted or ex-directory online, in effect. I blog anonymously or rather pseudonymously for all sorts of reasons, and it would rather defeat the object if anyone could look up who's behind my domain name and find out my real identity that way. With private domain registration they only see GoDaddy's details, and given the key selling point of private domain registration I trust that GoDaddy will keep my personal info confidential, unless of course they have to reveal anything because they're made to by law.
Blogger custom domains
If you blog via Blogger, you've been able since January 2007 to use your own domain name i.e. instead of, but still store your files for free on Blogger's servers. I'd suggest strongly that you do this if you can.Google calls this the "custom domain" feature (where to buy domain names, how to switch to custom domains, how to create a CNAME record for your custom domain, what happens to your images, how to use missing file hosts if you've switched from FTP (missing file hosts explanation)).
The URL still works, but URL forwarding is applied so that anyone trying to go there is automatically redirected permanently (what's called a 301 permanent redirect) to the matching page on your custom domain, e.g. for my blog anyone typing this in their browser address bar:
will be sent to
and similarly if they click links to the old Blogspot address - just try the link and see.
(A note for beginners: Google's Blogger is a free software system designed for blogging. Like other blogging platforms it facilitates creating and organising new blog posts, automatically creating newsfeeds (what are newsfeeds?), archive pages and the like. What's more, Google lets you store (host), on their own servers, all your blog webpages and associated pics and now even videos for podcasts, via Blogger in Draft (video uploading overview, trick for uploading MP3s, podcasting howto) - again for free. And they'll not only provide the blogging software and host your blog files, but also let you use your own domain name as well. This "custom domain" feature isn't the same as Blogger via FTP, which is a historical feature where users blog using Blogger but host their webpages on their own servers or servers rented from a third party who provides webspace.
I'd recommend that you use custom domains instead of FTP if you have a choice. Why? Because the now feature complete fancy New Blogger, formerly known as Blogger Beta, has a very helpful feature, especially for non-geeks, known as Layouts. This allows drag 'n drop of elements around the page, easy changing of fonts and colours, plus the use of "widgets" which anyone can make and easily share (e.g. these widgets). However, you can't get Layouts features if you use FTP for your blog; only if you use for your host. This is down to Layouts using what's known as "dynamic serving", and it would be inordinately difficult for Team Blogger to get everything to work on FTP blogs hosted on servers not within Google's control.)
Domain name and search engine cred
Now, why should I suggest using your planned permanent domain name ASAP?The most important reason is your site or blog's search engine cred.
Most people know that search engines go by a number of things in deciding whether to crawl your blog, and how high to rank your pages in search results.The details as to exactly what and how are closely guarded secrets, although the SEO (search engine optimization) experts certainly try to figure them out (check out Google's own guidelines).
Links - but to which domain name?
Links to your pages from authoritative websites are the most well known factor which search engines seem to set store by.But the thing is, search engines go by domain name as much as links. There are lots of links to my old domain name - but that doesn't help the search engine ranking of pages on my new domain much, even though my content is exactly the same as it was.
Sure, you could ask people who've linked to your old domain name to change their links to point to the new one instead. But that's a lot of time and work, for both you and them, and I don't want to use up my goodwill with the sites that have been generous enough to link to me.
Oldies are goodies
Similarly, another issue that counts with search engines is how long your domain name has been active. Not how long your content has been up on the Web: how long your content has been up under that particular domain name.Again, it doesn't seem to matter that the content of your webpages hasn't changed - switching to a brand new, previously-unused domain name will automatically reduce your blog or site in the eyes of search engines.
Conversely, the longer a domain name has been in active operation (yes, even a used or dare I say "pre-loved" name that you got from someone else second-hand!), the better the view the search engines will take of it. A newer name simply has had less time to build up search engine cred.
Put another way, all other things being equal, content posted under a domain that's been round the block a few times will fare much better in search results than the exact same content posted under a brand new, totally wet behind the ears domain name.
And that's one reason why you should keep blogging or otherwise updating the site frequently after a domain name change - in order to build up content under the new domain name, and hence help build up the search engine ranking of web pages on that domain. (Also, update frequency is another matter known to be factored in by the search engines when creating their rankings - they prefer sites which are updated more frequently).
Practical impact of domain name change
To give a concrete illustration, my blog used to average 1500 unique visitors a day on weekdays (fewer at weekends). After the domain name change, for whatever reason that figure dipped by as much as a third, to an average of under 1000 visitors a day - it took about a week to suddenly dip, but fall it did, and it stayed down for months:
Here's a longer term view showing the change after the domain name switch, the scrabbling around at the lower end, then a recent upswing (phew! but who knows how long it'll last...):

In the case of my blog the problem was exacerbated by the fact that about 95% of visitors to my site come via Google, rather than through links from other blogs or sites or indeed other search engines (which is why I'm only covering Google in this post). So when my Google cred decreased, so did my visitors, to a huge degree. It shows how very dependent on Google my blog and many other sites are (one site SearchKing even started a lawsuit against Google when their traffic fell massively after Google reduced their "PageRank", as to which see below - but they lost; another site Kinderstart similarly sued because of a drop in their PageRank ranking to zero, but also lost).
"Relevant results" vs. "supplemental results", and Google's supplemental index
Maybe it was just a coincidence that my stats plummeted so much after the domain change.One possible theory, put forward by my pal and sometime pardner Kirk, is that for some reason Google started, at about the same time as my domain name changed, consigning webpages from my blog to their "supplemental index".
With searches via Google, when you get to the very last search results page you often get at the bottom of the page a paragraph saying:
"In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the [number] already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included."
Those "omitted results" are normally hidden from view by Google, and people only get to those "supplemental results" if they persist to the end. So if webpages from my blog had got themselves bunged in the "supplemental results", it's no wonder that I was getting far fewer visitors.
What is a "supplemental result"?
What is Google's supplemental index anyway? I've not found it easy to get definitive comprehensible info on Google's supplemental index (that index supposedly contains duplicate search results, for instance, though even "duplicate" isn't necessarily straightforward), although the references in the notes in the Wikipedia entry are pretty good.Oddly enough, the Google help page on the supplemental index / supplemental results can no longer be found, though it's referenced e.g. by Googler Adam Lasnik here, and indeed elsewhere in Google's help, as (the page is not there so there's no point making that text a clickable link). I did manage to locate a cached version from 14 May 2007 however:

- so, in case it disappears, I'm pasting the full text of what was at below:
What is a "supplemental result"?
A supplemental result is just like a regular web result, except that it is pulled from our supplemental index. We are able to place fewer restraints on sites that we crawl for this supplemental index than we do on sites that are crawled for our main index. For example, the number of parameters in a URL might exclude a site from being crawled for inclusion in our main index; however, it could still be crawled and added to our supplemental index.
If you are a webmaster, please note that the index in which a site is included is completely automated; there is no way to select or change the index in which a site appears. Please also be assured that the index in which a site is included does not affect its PageRank. For tips on maintaining a crawler-friendly site, please visit our webmaster guidelines.
Here's another post explaining supplemental results and how to search Google in such a way as to view only your supplemental results (supposedly, in the search box you type *** -sljktf changing the domain name to your own domain name of course. I'm not sure it works, myself, as when I tried it the first search result was my main blog homepage - which is the only page I'm pretty sure is not in the supplemental index! Anyone got the full low down on this, I'd be grateful to know).
The supplemental index is also known as Google Hell or supplemental hell (article on one site's experiences) - though Google search guru Matt Cutts has rejoindered on that, and also said previously that "supplemental results aren't something to be afraid of; I've got pages from my site in the supplemental results, for example" (but there are certainly some issues on supplemental results which seem to have been sorted).
There are meant to be possible ways to get out of supplemental hell, but I've not tried them. I have no idea what changed this last week or so which somehow got my hits back up again, but Google has been indexing my site better again this last week, for whatever reason, so that definitely will have helped.
There are suggestions that Google has recently got rid of the supplemental index altogether, or is planning to. I'm not sure if that's right as I tried that "supplemental pages only search" mentioned above and got back lots of pages, plus even tonight I found there were pages from Google's own site in the supplemental results (see the bottom):

And if you go to Search Engine Land's own supposed supplemental results, there's a link to show "omitted results" at the bottom (supplemental results for supplemental results - huuuh??!). But maybe the disappearance of the official Google help page on supplemental results means they are getting rid of the supplemental index. Who knows.
UPDATE 1 August (completely missed this before somehow - probably because it was being posted about the same time as this post, or just after, me & my timing... - thanks Kirk!): Google are getting rid of the supplemental index, according to this Google Webmaster Central post. They've still got a supplemental index, but the distinction between the main and supplemental index is "continuing to narrow", and they don't use the "Supplemental Results" label anymore.
So, I've no idea exactly what happened and why my stats are improving now, but I'm not complaining (UPDATE: maybe it's because of Google's changes on the supplemental index front). Kirk is one of the smartest people I've ever known, if he said the moon was made of blue cheese I'd seriously think about getting a fondue maker, so if he thinks the issue was supplemental hell he's probably right - whether that came about because of my domain name change or not, though, I don't know.
Google PageRank & impact of domain name change
There's another, possibly related, issue. At one point I'd managed to work my way up to a Google PageRank (see Wikipedia and this excellent post on Google PageRank) of 7 for this blog - the bigger the better in terms of your search results positioning, 10 is tops.Now, however, because of the relative newness of this domain name, it's 0, zero, nil point - just check my blog via the Page Rank display feature of Google Toolbar () or a page rank checker.
Sadly for me Google seems to have updated their public PageRanks (more on PageRank & index updates) shortly after my domain name change, so the 0 ranking for the new domain has carried through to everywhere else - not just the Google Toolbar. Even the crawl stats on Google Webmaster Tools show that most of my pages have low rankings now, and not a single one is ranked high, boo hoo:

The good news, for what it's worth, is that apparently that Google's internal PageRank (see this too on internal PageRank) for your blog doesn't change - at least, when you move to a custom domain on Blogger; I can't say what the position is if you switch domains hosted elsewhere, but a 301 redirect always seems to help (more on changing to custom domains on Blogger, possible impact on PageRank and 301 permanent redirects).
So, for searches where my blog previously ranked quite high (e.g. Gmail alias, Gmail username, Technorati tags, Freetube), my pages seem not to have lost their position on the Google search results page, and they're clearly shown as being from my new domain. Which is a relief, to say the least.
I just hope Google's next public update of Page Rank catches me up again soon, though I will still have to do more blogging to build up the track record of this particular domain name so that the search engines will take my blog more seriously again.
Tips on changing domain name
I'll be posting specific practical tips relating to the change to custom domains on Blogger soon, but as basic preliminary points I'd suggest:- grit your teeth and make the change ASAP - the longer you leave it, the harder it will be and the longer it will take to build your search engine cred back up under the new domain name
- take a deep, deep breath and fortify yourself first with plentiful supplies of ice cream, chocolate, cake and whipped cream or your alternative de-stresser of choice - you may need 'em to keep you sane, watching your stats take a deep dive and stay down for months can be a "nerve-wrecking" experience!
- make sure there's a 301 permanent redirect on the old domain name to the new one - Blogger seems to do this automatically for custom domains, redirecting anyone who tries to go to to (sort of - where it doesn't do that it could cause more problems, but that's for a different post)
- do keep adding to your site or blogging after the change, as much and as often as you can - both to produce more quality content to hook in the search engines, and also because more frequent updates of your site or blog should help you build up the new domain name's ranking.
More specific howtos, dos and don'ts etc when changing to custom domains will follow, so stay tuned.
Silly rabbit, the moon is made up of a sharp cheddar. I thought you knew.
interesting post & so useful for one who's plotting to launch a Blog before the end of the decade (hopefully). But still a question: what happens to a paying Blog when you stop paying your bills - is all content then mercilessly deleted by the provider?
And I would also like to express a general concern : a disproportionate number of your (excellent) posts seems to advocate heavy use of such substances as chocolate, icecream and the like. No doubt you know the scientific studies establishing an irrefutable link between above-mentioned substances and the obesity pandemic.
Really, as a blogger of some authority in the stressed-out computer-users community, wouldn't it be more socially responsible to advise other comfort-strategies, such as: munching a carrot , crisp walks , knitting tea cosies Just a thought.
Kirk - ouch! that's sharp!
BW - glad you found that interesting. When you stop paying your bills yes they'll take your site down. That's why you backup! Use Spiderzilla to save a copy of your blog site files to your computer for instance. And ahem you can knit tea cosies if you prefer. Others might well prefer kissing with a piece of melting chocolate. Some people, eh?
I've looked into your website source code and it seems like you're using a classic template instead of the new one(layout). Correct me if I'm wrong...
Actually, I just on my way to have my own domain name..hehe
Dr-Xel, can't put anything past you, yep, absolutely right, it's still a classic template. I have experimental New Blogger templates on the go and plan to switch over at some point, probably before the end of this year, but don't hold your breath...
Good luck with your new domain name!
wow nice and comprehensive post
i've set my custom domain at i bough my new domain from domainrightnow which gave me lower price than godaddy. i got domain dot com for only $7.5
now i'm using (my old blogspot
my traffic is getting down. i have pagerank 4, ang technorati more than 90 links. but now my domain on 0 rank.
i have a question, how to set my domain with mydomain can be accessed only to What was the problem?
i need your help, please.
my new domain now still page rank 0. should i use my old domain (blogspot) which had reached page rank 4?
i m no confusing, what should i do?
how could your new domain finally reach good rank and more links
I just moved my domain name (from to .com) last week. However, I've noticed that google isn't indexing my new posts - even though I've pinged them and updated links from external websites. Did you find this happened when you moved? Maybe it just takes time for google to begin spidering the new site as regularly as the old one?
I hope so, cos it's getting v.frustrating!
I argue that the change in pagerank when you change your domain name its internal and not just on the visible pagerank.
When I changed my blog to my visible Pagerank went from 3 to nil and the number of visitors I had from Google went from 250-300 to 5 (that's not 50 or 100) but just 5. That happened 3 days after I changed domains and it persists to this day (a month later).
Thank you all for your comments.
MyPaid2Blog, please now see this post on www for Blogger custom domains which I hope answers your question. It wasn't a simple one-liner which is why I've left it till I had time to do the full post.
Theo, I didn't find that Google had stopped indexing my posts even though my ranking was lower for ages. Do you have a sitemap on Google Webmaster Central for the new domain? And verified it?
Informed Layman, it's so hard to tell. My visitors to the main page went down hugely, that's true, but for existing pages that had previously been ranked highly on Google for certain searches, they still appeared in the same location when doing those searches, under the new domain name. So I think the PageRank change definitely affected the home page, but I'm not sure about some old but popular pages.
Keep an eye on this blog because I plan to write more soon on steps I took to try to increase my rankings back again after the domain name change. Not sure if they worked, or if it was popular new posts that brought me back up, but they can't hurt!
Just want to share with you that I just switched to custom domain on 10 Jan 2008 and was happy that i didnt see any drop in google traffic and enjoying 500 unique visitors per day till that fateful day 17 Feb 2008. It drops to 0 google traffic. i panic and kept googling to search for answers till i found your site. guess i have to wait for at least 3 mths before everything is back to normal. any advise for me?
I had this problem too with one of my sites, but it was not because I changed domains; I actually had the same domain but made the mistake of submitting sitemap of my site to Google after it had already been established. I had a PR of 4 on most of my pages, with about 300-400 unique visitors to my site a day; after I submitted my sitemap (which was supposed to HELP!), my PR dropped to 0 on all of my pages for about 3 months and I had about 3-5 visitors a day. All of pages that were listed in the top 10 for certain keywords were moved down into the 500+ result range. It really sucked!
Alas, my PR has since gone back up for some of my pages, but not for all, and the ones that did go back up to didn't go back up to a PR of 4, but up to a PR of 3. My positioning on the results pages for my keywords has gone back to the top 10 positions (in most cases), but I still only get about 13 visitors a day to my site. This was very frustrating, as my site had been online for 5 years prior, and with one submit of a sitemap, I'm back to square one!
Thanks so much for publishing this. I have a couple of blogs that I host on Blogger that just got page ranking assigned to them and I was thinking about assigning them custom domain names; after this post, I'm not sure that I will, because being penalized sucks!
Oh, and one more thing -- do you find that once you use a custom domain name that it will actually help you in the search engines, since Blogger is still hosting all of your data? I have an existing domain that I purchased from GoDaddy and have hosting setup on that domain for other things that I have posted on the website. I have now added a couple of blogs from Blogger as subdomains on my hosted site via the custom domain process, thinking that maybe this will help with content of my main site in the search engines. Since Blogger is still hosting the blog and it's content though, do you think my GoDaddy hosted site will get credit in the search engines?
Wow, thank you for taking the time to write such a detailed and useful post. This will definately help me make a deciion about buying a domain name. I just started a second blog a week ago, and I may just buy it a name on the weekend (so it is taken care of and ranking damage won't be caused by a switch later on). I do regret somewhat not naming and/or my first site. Live and learn!
Very good post. It is really helpful.
Yesterday, I just changed my domain name from "" to
Hopefully, not let me wait for 3 months.
why did you change domain from to
the old one looks better
I thought as a keyword, "kids" is better than "kidz", am I wrong?
Can you explain to me why you think "" is better than ""?
thank you very much for you advice!
cool review!
Thank you all for your comments, and sorry for the delay (in many cases!) in responding.
Hopefully your rankings will have gone back up by now. I still think it's worth using a custom domain ASAP, the sooner you take the hit the better in my view. This blog is back up again and indeed having more visitors than ever now, although it took a while.
I don't think having a custom domain name in itself helps your rankings - it's good content that does that, but unfortunately the Google juice that gets associated with that content is tied to the domain name rather than the content, which is why switching domain URLs can hit your ranking. The identity of your host shouldn't matter either, unless it affects your URL when you change hosts (e.g.
I'll leave shmartaf to tell Cana why shmartaf preferred the other name!
So,after a painful search for a full day,being redirected from one site to another,I am still at the starting point!
So,am I going to lose my PR 3 for my blog ( which is now ? Any tips for me?
Hi there,
I have been trawling the web for articles related to this for a while, and yours is comfortably the most in-depth and best I have found. Well done!
Here is my predicament and I only hope you can help.
In Dec 07 I started a site using blogspot. I then moved to a custom domain ''. This has been good for me and I have been pleased with it, but I have been thinking of expanding the amount of domains linked to that site to increase market share if you will.
I also read that hyphens in domain names are not advised, and have therefore been considering buying the ' or .net' domain, to get rid of the hyphen.
What I would then do is try and re-direct and the blogspot address to the new domain name (minus hyphen).
My question is - is it advisable to buy multiple domains and re-direct them to one website? If so do you think it is a good idea, and how easy is it to get Blogger to host 2/3 domain names linked to the same page?
My concern is that someone else could use the other domain names minus the hyphen and eat up my potential traffic.
Please let me know if you think it is worth adding extra domain names all pointing to one site, and how easy it is to perform.
Thanks very much,
if you change your domain you almost have to start all over
Hello Improbulus,
I've just switched my blog domain, and Googlebot keeps indexing my old pages. Awfully, my pages with the new domain are considered as supplemental results. Is there any solution here? Or at least some advice. Thanks
Hello, it's me again.
I've checked Google with the phrase
Your pages has gone. and only pages do exist. How did you do that? Or did you just simply wait?
Well for my case, I just converted my blogspot to custom domain 2 weeks ago and only these past few days, my traffic started to drop like a rock. From 700-800 uniques per day, it now only has 400-500 uniques per day :(
If I have read your blog post earlier, I wouldn't even consider making the change. 3 months is indeed a long wait and imagine if I were to use that 3 months to bring my traffic further than what I could have achieved. Sad story. In the end, I don't think it's worth it after all. What do you think?
i have a small question. after moving onto private domain, which address of my blog should i type when entering comments on some other blog? the old blogspot one or new private one?
Hi there,
My old web adress on google blogspot is history. I had it for 6 months and it had been indexed as resumewritingsoftware on blogspot dot com. Now I forwarded to
1. I still do not figure out how to make it wotk without having to type the www up in the front. ie: when i type in it gets me to godaddy admin page or something. How can I make it work?
2. the old adress on blogspot it apears when searching for the new domain in google including the old description etc.. Can this be fixed somehow? If clicking it automaticaly redirects it to the correct new domain but the displayed search result is not the new one.
Thank you for taking time to answer!
Hi there! I have a website named, however because of traffic issues, have blocked my website and unable to access the domain. Now to resolve, I bought a domain with 1&1 for $.99 cents which is now, what happens is from regular hits ranging 50-100, it goes down to 10-15 which is really not acceptable, my website is not indexed and rank already. Do you know how to resolve this? I have an account with Google and already verified the new domain.
Improbulus - as I have searched the net to resolve various tec/SEO issues I have repeatedly happened on A Consuming Experience, and when I do it's always a welcome find. There is a special intelligence behind your work and an insight that is rare on the web. You weave an impressive tapestry of knowledge.
I have a large blog - over 1,000 posts - page rank 4/5 over the past year. Making the shift to a domain name is something I would love to do - but the leap would require a push. It just seems like too much of a risk.
Anyway thank you for this post in that distinctive voice of yours, it gives me what I need to consider if I do decide to go for it.
Keep on keeping on...
Very comprehensive article about changing domain topic.
I added your article on a list of best articles I found in last two months.
my new domain now still page rank 0. should i use my old domain (blogspot) which had reached page rank 4?
i m no confusing, what should i do?
how could your new domain finally reach good rank and more links
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