Sunday, 16 September 2007

Girl geeks: women in technology supporting each other

The London Girl Geek Dinner 15 on 11 Sept 2007, sponsored by Cap Gemini, was excellent. The scheduled speaker from Cap Gemini had to cancel, but what transpired instead was various speakers taking short slots each, with the major common thread being how women in technology could support each other - on top of the usual networking opportunities.

The ideas that people came up with were very good and helpful, for more details see Maz's post on the Girlygeekdom blog. I'm sorry that I couldn't stay till the end and missed the last few speakers.

The main point of this post is to encourage tech women who haven't yet signed up to the mailing lists on the London Girl Geek Dinners site to do so, as that's where you'll hear announcements of the further concrete steps resulting from the constructive discussion at that dinner, in particular the proposed establishment of a mentoring system with forum, etc.

I know some people at the London Girl Geek Dinner 14 in August were muttering cynically about the same ol' same ol' "all talk no action" on promoting women in technology - well, they can't say there's no action now! Thanks as always to Sarah, Maz and Nicole for all their hard work, tireless energy and enthusiasm.

Further on women in technology, if you're involved in a Web 2.0 start-up or indeed any other creative or media enterprise, you might be interested in:

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