Copyfighters London, 21 August 2005
Monday, August 22, 2005[Edited 26 November 2005: to simplify and speed up loading after I installed the fab Delicious Playtagger script. Click the right arrow icon

The sixth London Copyfighters' Drunken Brunch and Talking Shop took place yesterday.
As Cory Doctorow puts it, these brunches involve "eat[ing] between 11AM and 1PM, stuffing our faces with bagels, pastries, cold-cuts, veggies, a variety of schmears, and cheap champagne-process wine from Spain mixed with fresh OJ. Once we are suitably lubricated, we will, as a mass, cross the road to Speaker's Corner and orate on the subject of copyright, DRM, the weather -- whatever."
Not as many people turned up as at the last ones I attended, not surprisingly given the holiday season, but there were still quite a few people, the chat was interesting and the speeches suitably rousing.
Above is Cory's pic, and you can playback his introductory speech below:
Cory's kickoff speech
Below are more pics - to get to the page to play back someone's speech, just click on their pic (be warned - all speeches are in their unexpurgated glory, hecklers and all, so don't listen unless you don't mind the language - one heckler was particularly fond of swearing at the speakers...). (I didn't include the pic/speech of one person as the speaker didn't want me to put them online - I do always check before I do anything like this, as to me respecting the privacy of those concerned is paramount).

Becky Hogge (no link to speech)

Nathan Lewis: play his speech
And finally:Cory's wrap up speech.
Technorati Tags: Copyfighters, London, Copyfighters London, copyright, law reform, activism, Speakers' Corner, speeches, Improbulus, A Consuming Experience, Consuming Experience
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2 Comment(s):
What about Improbulus' photo? Speech is optional ;).
(By ChickyBabe, at Tuesday, August 23, 2005 11:52:00 AM) Edit Comment
Hey you've already seen my pic CB, check my profile! Like the hair, yes? :-D
(By Improbulus, at Monday, August 29, 2005 11:16:00 PM) Edit Comment
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