A Consuming Experience

Thoughts on my experiences as a consumer of products, services, people (well maybe not that last one...), from reviews to raves, rants and random thoughts - concentrating on technology, gadgets, software, product usability, consumer issues, customer service. Including some introductory guides and tips on various subjects (like blogging!) which stumped me until I figured them out. And the occasional ever so slightly naughty observation.

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Blogging questions, queries, advice

Sunday, August 06, 2006
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I'm very pleased people find this blog useful and I'm happy to receive requests for help, but unfortunately, owing to constraints on my time and the increase in the number of questions I'm getting, I can't now respond to emails individually.

If you've a query on my blog or want to know how to do something, please post a comment on the post it relates to (NOT this post, not the latest post on my blog! I won't answer if you do that), rather than emailing me (although if it's about something private, or if it's not related to an existing post, email is fine). Then I can reply to it by another comment or a new post, and the answer may benefit other people too.

So if you email me for blogging advice or help, unless you say that something must be kept private or I simply refer you to a more suitable source for help, I am going to post my reply publicly. I'll also link to your blog to identify the origin of the request, unless you say you don't want me to (though I imagine most people would be quite happy to get another link to their blog!).

Conversely, if you email me for blogging advice and say you want a private reply, please don't be surprised or upset if you don't get any reply at all, as I just may not have the time. Also, I may not reply if I simply don't know the answer to your question, or it would take too much time for someone in my position to figure it out and explain it to you.

One of the best sources of blogging help especially on Blogger blogs is Blogger Forum, and I would encourage people to post questions there - many knowledgeable and helpful people hang out there, and several of their heads will be better than one of mine!

Also, you don't need to ask me to email you whenever I've written a post about a particular subject you're interested in, because you can find that out automatically by subscribing to updates via my newsfeed or email, see the sidebar on the right.

This blog is effectively a third job for me, and one I don't really make money from (people don't seem to click on ads about blogging!). If I really wanted to turn a profit I'd switch to blogging about something else, and I still might, one day. I'm trying to keep up this blog because I like sharing what I've learned and it's good to know my explanations have been of help to some people (the appreciative comments and emails really do encourage me to keep going, so don't stop on that front!). But my time and energy are limited.

Finally, please don't be concerned if I don't reply to comments or queries immediately. If I am able to reply I will, eventually, but I've got a long queue of things which people have asked me to write about, not to mention things that I just want to post myself (such as general guides which will hopefully be of help to lots of people), not to mention keeping up with my day job and my life outside the blogosphere!

Thank you for reading.

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5 Comment(s):

My LG 800 sems unable to remain paired with my Garmin 310 DeLux Sat Nav. It connects OK then drops out after 10-15 secs. It would seem that it is not compatable with all Bluetooth devices. Other mobiles including Nokia work fine.Perhaps I am missing a point here so please advise.


(By Anonymous, at Monday, September 18, 2006 10:10:00 AM)  Edit Comment

How to add element tab below the post as I have seen the image in one of your post.Please advice me.

(By krishna, at Sunday, November 19, 2006 2:43:00 AM)  Edit Comment

Anon & Venkata, as mentioned in my post above, you need to leave a comment on the post it relates to - NOT this post.

Sorry but I've not had the chance to try Bluetooth fully with the LG KG800. I know it Bluetooth only works for some things on that phone, not for others - try LG support in your country.

As for the element tab, I'm not sure what you mean as I don't know which image in which post you're talking about. Give me the link to the post and maybe I can help. But if it's to do with Blogger Beta you can just drag and drop widgets.

(By Improbulus, at Sunday, November 26, 2006 7:44:00 PM)  Edit Comment

I found it useful. I'm sorry if this comment is not related to law issue. I just want to open my view to foreign law. I'm a law student from Thailand. I'm studying in Business Law as a Master's Degree.

Nice to meet you, Improbulus.

(By Anonymous, at Thursday, December 07, 2006 3:50:00 AM)  Edit Comment

Anon, I think you meant that comment to be in relation to another post! But I'm glad you found it useful.

(By Improbulus, at Monday, December 11, 2006 7:10:00 PM)  Edit Comment

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