Google: feeds for news sections and news searches
Wednesday, August 10, 2005Google have finally introduced the ability to get feeds for their news sections and, most usefully, for searches of Google News and customised English Google news pages, in either Atom or RSS format as you prefer. (I think the choice might confuse some beginners however, and almost all news readers can handle both, so I do wonder if they'd have been better off just offering the one.)
So if you want to keep an eye out for a certain word or phrase being mentioned in the Google News pages, you can now get a feed for the search results. In your feed reader just add the link or depending on which format you want (changing YourSearchTermHere to what you want to search for).
I've been wanting a feed for Google Alerts updates for so long (email alerts of your search terms found by Google not only from Google News but also on the Web, and in newsgroups). This new feed capability will deal with the "News"-only option for Google Alerts, certainly. Now if only they'll introduce feeds for "News AND WEB" alerts too.
Technorati Tags: Google, Google News, feeds, newsfeeds, Google Alerts, alerts, Improbulus, A Consuming Experience, Consuming Experience
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2 Comment(s):
Excellent, I had been wanting to get a feed from Google News for quite some time, but had to settle for Yahoo!. Methinks I'll switch over to the Google feed now, I mean Yahoo! is just sooooo 1999. Thanks for the heads up. I hadn't noticed this change at all.
RedRyder, at Thursday, August 11, 2005 1:53:00 AM)
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No probs RR :)
Improbulus, at Monday, August 29, 2005 5:33:00 PM)
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