Pure Digital's Oasis DAB radio: product safety recall
Saturday, November 04, 2006I gather the news has been out for a month or so but I only recently heard about it myself (having been remiss in registering my Oasis) and think I should do my bit to spread this consumer warning, as there is a safety issue with the rechargeable batteries sealed into Pure Digital's Oasis weatherproof DAB radio (which by the way is an excellent piece of rugged kit with great sound, other than the safety problem of course).
They offer a freefone number and will arrange free collection and return of your Oasis, and you shouldn't use it in the meantime - "Owners are asked to:
* Immediately switch off the radio
* Remove it from the mains so it does not continue to charge
* Open all four of the rubber stoppers on the right hand side of the radio."
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2 Comment(s):
Freaky - I didn't know about the recall either but had just this weekend emailed the company I bought it from to complain that the battery life wasn't 15 hours (more like 7-10) and they replied immediately to tell me to phone the Pure Digital number. Missed the recall ad in the press, and of course hadn't registered the product either...
kaybar007, at Monday, November 13, 2006 2:34:00 PM)
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Hi Kaybar007, well I hope you did contact them, that battery problem sounds potentially quite serious.
They were good, sent it back just within the time limit they said (7 business days) and they are happy to send it back to your work address even if they picked it up from your home address, too.
Improbulus, at Sunday, November 26, 2006 9:11:00 PM)
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