Blogger scheduled posts: postpone or delay blog post to future date
Friday, May 02, 2008
Blogger have, as they earlier heralded, finally rolled out the ability for Blogger users to post-date their posts, i.e. write a post and then schedule it for publishing at a future date and time of your choosing.
The ability to postpone or delay blog posts written in advance has been in demand for years. This facility is great for holidays, spacing out your blog posts more evenly over the week, etc. (I admit I don't use it much myself, I'm too paranoid about my post having content that may be out of date when it's published, so I check things first and publish live.)
Previously the best workaround I knew to produce future-dated posts on Blogger was to post via email using Emailschedule.
The new Blogger scheduling facility, which also uses email via Blogsend, has been available via Blogger in Draft (the new features' test playground for Blogger users) since February, with subsequent bug fixes for permalinks and the ability to use scheduling with FTP blogs, before it finally went live for non-Draft users yesterday.
Now, when you draft a post even on the non-Draft version of Blogger, once you've finished it (and saved it, of course) all you have to do is change the date and time after the end of your post to the future date / time when you want it published, then hit Publish (you may need to click the Post Options link to make the Post date and time visible first; it used to be, I wish Blogger hadn't hid it, it doesn't take up much space and is useful). See below, outlined red on the right.

(If you use the Keep Current Time script to ensure your draft posts aren't dated when you first created them but when you publish them, you'll of course have to untick the box first, outlined red on the left above, before you try to change the date and time to your desired future date of posting.)
Full howto (including how to unschedule a previously-scheduled post) is in the Blogger Buzz post on the release of the scheduling posts feature, so I won't go into detail here. I'd just mention that you can view and edit your Scheduled Posts via the usual Edit Posts tab - there's a new "Scheduled" link now, so you can view just your Scheduled Posts:

I don't normally blog about straightforward stuff on Blogger these days, but I really thought this new feature was worth highlighting. Now if only Blogger will fix it pretty please so that draft posts are published bearing the date/time you click Publish, and not the original date/time when you created or last saved the post, I won't need Keep Current Time!
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3 Comment(s):
I would like protest against scheduled posting method.
So, the idea of scheduled posting is great, but the realisation is poor.
The simpler and maybe the best way to do this is to insert a new scheduling date field next to the date field.
Now the date field functionality is too complicate:
a) dating
b) scheduling
c) URL generating
d) sorting
e) archiving
For example, if someone (like me) want to add a post with future date, can't do it correctly.
If I publish it (as blogger team suggests) with current date and then repost it with a new date, then the URL of the post (and archive date) remain unchanged.
So the date of the post and the date in the link (and the archive) are different, and this mismatch is a problem for the blogger and the readers too.
Lalo, at Tuesday, May 13, 2008 6:20:00 PM)
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Really useful post - wasn't aware of this, so thanks.
Could you do a post on how to prevent content appearing in the sidebar archive?
Mo Money, at Wednesday, July 02, 2008 2:55:00 PM)
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Really useful response - wasn't aware of this, so thanks.
If there would be a new scheduling date field next to the date field, then everyone could use the advantages both of the old and new scheme.
So there are no problems at all, including the sidebar archive.
Lalo, at Sunday, July 13, 2008 10:12:00 PM)
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