LG Shine phone celeb launch: David Blaine etc
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The photo above is of a display case showing off some Shine cellphones. Beautifully laid out. It's from the celebrity launch of the LG Shine mobile phone on the evening of 7 February, featuring illusionist and endurance artist David Blaine, soft rockers The Feeling, singer Beth Rowley and DJ Chico, which I'd previously mentioned. (I also went to the press launch during the day - see my post showing the official press kit photos of the LG Shine phone.)
It started fashionably late (but of course, dahlink) so I couldn't stay beyond the start of David Blaine's act. But here are a few pics, to show I really was there. All these photos are taken with a Shine phone, of course - see my pre-launch mini-review of the LG Shine. (Click on a photo for a bigger image.)
Setting up for The Feeling:

The stage beforehand - with Shine-like blue lighting, naturally:

I was quite close to the stage at one point but by the time it actually started I was way, way at the back. That small figure in the middle, that's David Blaine, that is. Really. (He also mingled with the crowd before he started his act, doing card tricks. I was elsewhere then, too. Sod's law.)

As you can see, even the ladies' conveniences were decked out in Shine decor. Kudos to those who coordinated it all!

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