Blogger Beta: team blogs can now switch!
Sunday, December 10, 2006If you have a Blogger team blog, you can now switch the team blog to Blogger Beta, but be warned that the process seems to be a bit tricky, and if you don't do things in the right order the blog may not be converted and may get stuck in "classic" Blogger without the whizzy new Beta features:
If a team member of a blog switches their account to beta before the blog owner does, then the team blog is not converted. It will appear on the team member's dashboard in beta, but clicking on it will lead back to the old version of Blogger. Thus, the blog will still be usable, but without the new features of Blogger in beta (e.g. Labels, Layouts, etc.).
Basically, from the help it looks like the original blog owner has to switch first, and not the other team members. Everyone will also need to get a Google Account, of course.
I guess this means the last holdout, the "big blogs", will be next, and soon. So I really will have to get to grips with the horribly hard looking Beta template code, willy nilly...
UPDATE: I see that Blogger Buzz have now officially announced this switch plus some other news.
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5 Comment(s):
They must be saving the 'best' blogs for last. :-)
kirk, at Sunday, December 10, 2006 12:53:00 PM)
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Bloated isn't necessarily best... And yours got moved over early, didn't it, so they're definitely not saving the best for last!
I recall how long it took you to get your template working properly in Beta and I tellya, I ain't looking forward to struggling with mine. There goes my Xmas break, I suspect...
Improbulus, at Sunday, December 10, 2006 1:49:00 PM)
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I finally got the invitation on the weekend only to find out I can't be moved. I must have a large blog! Playing with the template on beta is not too bad, but you're right about the Xmas break!
ChickyBabe, at Monday, December 11, 2006 11:30:00 AM)
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I am a regular reader of A Consuming Experience. I have been following the Blogger Beta posts with interest since the debut of Beta. Today, I note team blogs can switch to Beta...but I still se no link or information on my Blogger Dashboard that says I can switch my blogs to the Beta. I am anxious not to miss this opportunity....have I missed something, or is it just something I need to continue watching for?
Angelsong, at Monday, December 11, 2006 4:05:00 PM)
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ChickyBabe - well those of us with the large blogs sadly seem to be last in line! Yes, it'll sure be a fun Xmas break...
Angelsong - I suspect that they're doing them in batches. They're clearly able to handle team blogs now, but I think they won't be switching everyone over at once as it would more orderly to do a few at a time in case of problems. Also, it may be that your team blog is a large once so it falls in the "very much end of line" large blogs category? See Good luck with your switch as & when!
Improbulus, at Monday, December 11, 2006 7:02:00 PM)
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