Feedburner and Newsgator hookup
Thursday, October 13, 2005Feedburner doesn't seem to stop! (see e.g. my post on Feedburner teaming with Feedblitz). For those who didn't hear, Feedburner (the feed management specialist whose service helps you do whizzy things with your site feed) have just partnered with the online feed aggregator Newsgator "to provide a one-stop shop for major commercial publishers" by enhancing Newsgator's "Private Label" service for online publishers and media companies.
It sounds like this involves Newsgator using Feedburner technology to improve their offering to commercial publishers, rather than any restriction on what Feedburner will do in future, and I assume Feedburner-burned feeds will still continue to be widely accessible to the full range of feed readers. I hope so, anyway - about 33% of those subscribing to my blog's newsfeed use Bloglines, and about 7% use Newsgator, but I don't know how typical those figures are.
(Odd that the link on the Feedburner press release page to Newsgator's Private Label page is broken, though - from a PR viewpoint, I hope they fix it fast!)
Via the Feedburner blog.
Technorati Tags: Feedburner, Newsgator, feed, feeds, newsfeed, newsfeeds, feed readers, feed aggregators, Improbulus, A Consuming Experience, Consuming Experience
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3 Comment(s):
Hi there improbulus. You are correct, it's more of an enhanced offering and does not place any restrictions on what else we or Newsgator might do. We found that we were providing complimentary services to a number of organizations and realized that delivering a simple and unified customer experience would be compelling. Nice catch on the broken link - we'll get that taken care of straight away.
Dick Costolo, at Thursday, October 13, 2005 5:50:00 PM)
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Would you know if the stats show if the blogline server where the subscription is hosted is pulling the feed even if a user is not actively requesting it from his side?
ps: gave up on the tracks and links and tag-categorizing for a while, but thanks for pointing me to your updates.
ritzy, at Thursday, October 13, 2005 6:15:00 PM)
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Thanks for the info Dick.
Ritzy sorry I don't know, why not check with Feedburner?
Improbulus, at Thursday, October 20, 2005 12:46:00 AM)
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