Google sitemaps and verification
Thursday, September 01, 2005Following the queries about this, I've amended my original longer post and summary to add some stuff about verification.
I hope that will make things clearer. Verification isn't needed to get Google to index your updated blog, but rather for you to view more detailed stats. So, we Blogspot users and others who have no way to upload anything but posts to their blogging provider's servers will just have to be "detailed stats"-deprived.
There is no solution really except to lobby Blogger (the Suggest New Feature box at the bottom) and also Google Sitemaps to allow what we need - tell 'em you want Blogspot users to be able to have full Sitemaps functionality including verification!
Technorati Tags: blogs, blog, blogging, Blogger,, searching, search engines, Google, Google Sitemaps, Google index, Google crawler, Google bot, Googlebot, ping Google, Improbulus, A Consuming Experience, Consuming Experience
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3 Comment(s):
Oh.. I'm so used to you providing magical answers to all my problems so this was a shock :)
ritzy, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 2:11:00 PM)
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Thanks for all the help w. sitemaps!! Would you recommend deletion of "revisit after..." meta tags, or are they still useful to other engines?
John, at Saturday, September 03, 2005 3:55:00 PM)
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Ritzy, sorry, no rabbits out of hats for this one! Not from me anyway, maybe someone else?
John, glad to have been of help. No I don't think I'd delete that meta tag, as you say, for other engines.
Improbulus, at Sunday, September 04, 2005 6:58:00 PM)
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